Thursday, March 1, 2012

the secret life of bees: benin

i would like to first mention that i have always been a huge wimp when it comes to bees.  like, the really annoying girl who ran around in circles like a fool screaming when one was on the other side of the room.  ok so here is a much shortened version of my first bee-keeping experience.
ok so to get started me and teh awesome/crazy Bariba woman got a bunch of branches to make a big fire.  i wasn't really sure why we were doing this, but ive kind of just learned to ask questions later.   

so here's the battleground. pretty ghetto.

weapons of choice... manually operated smokers powered by flaming cow dung.  inspires a lot of confidence, no?  but at least you know you can trust the high quality protective gear they have here. hah.

the team.  flattering ensembles, no?  the woman on the right forgot her gear so she went barefoot.  guess how that worked out for her.

the last picture i have until i escaped.  so in the mean time... imagine utter chaos that apparently some people consider "beekeeping".  the last thing i remember is standing with my back to the fire trying to smoke all the bees off of me, when the other 2 women run back up the hill with a cloud of bees around their heads, screaming: "LISA!!! RUN!!!!!"

pretty accurate depiction of my state of mind at the time.